VIDEOS Reportages Budd Hopkins et John Mack
Peintre et sculpteur — ses oeuvres sont exposées dans de grands musées américains.
Il est aujourd'hui le spécialiste américain des abductions. Depuis il a appris l'hypnose et s'en est servi sur plus de 1000 abducte pour mettre a jour leurs expériences.
Budd Hopkins a été un OVNI enquêteur pour près de 30 ans. Il a enquêté sur plus de 700 cas. Il est l'auteur de quatre livres très influents, y compris Missing Time , 1981, Intruders , 1987, Témoin , 1996, et Sight Unseen , 2003 (Carol Rainey, co-auteur).
Un pionnier de l'ufologie, Budd est chargé de porter les phénomènes d'abduction OVNI à l'attention du public et la communauté des chercheurs d'OVNI. En 1989, il a fondé la Fondation Intruders, une organisation de soutien aux témoins ( www. ).
Budd a élu domicile à New York City.
Observation (1964) Une journée de 1964 Hopkins et 2 autres témoins observent un petit objet rond et métallique manoeuvrer dans le ciel au-dessus de Cape Cod, près de Truro (Massachusetts). A partir de cette date il s'intéresse au sujet.
Ce n'est cependant qu'en 1975 que Hopkins mène sa 1ère enquête conséquente. Dans ce cas, un ovni avait apparemment atterri dans le North Hudson Park (New Jersey) à moins de 1 mile de Manhattan et fut observé avec ses occupants depuis divers points avantageux par un certain nombre de témoins. Hopkins recherche avec minutie des récits de cet incident, qui paraissent dans The Village Voice, Cosmopolitan magazine et sont couverts en longueur par la TV et la radio.
Peu après, il commence à concentrer ses enquêtes sur les cas d'enlèvements, qu'il popularise dans les années 1980s. Son usage de l'hypnose pour aider les victimes à se souvenir, bien que contesté, à fait école. Il travaille sur le cas de Linda Cortile.
En 1992, Hopkins écrit The Ropper Poll avec David M. Jacobs et Ronald Westrum, un rapport sur des expériences inhabituelles avec des enlèvements ovnis, basé sur l'étude de l'organisation Roper de 5947 américains adultes.
Par la suite il fonde l'Intruders Foundation (IF). Prenant le contre-pied de la fameuse phrase de Carl Sagan, il déclare : Un phénomène extraordinaire demande une investigation extraordinaire.
Auteur de :
Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions. New York: Richard Marek Publishers, 1981
Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods. New York: Random House, 1987
A Special Report for Members of IF: The Ongoing Problem of Deception in UFO Abduction
Cases. New York: Intruders Foundation, 1990
"The Linda Cortile Abduction Case" - parties 1 et 2, MUFON UFO Journal, 1992, 293 (septembre), 12-16; 296 (décembre): 5-9.
avec David Jacobs, Donald Westrum, Unusual Personal Experiences: An Analysis of the Data from 3 National Surveys. Las Vegas: Bigelow Holding Corporation, 1991
"A Doubly Witnessed Abduction" - Proceedings of the 1992 Abduction Study Conference at MIT, 1992
Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions, New York, Pocket Books, 1996
Site officiel de Budd Hopkins :
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Bud Hopkins N°1

Budd Hopkins
Budd Hopkins | |
Born | June 15, 1931(1931-06-15) Wheeling, West Virginia |
Occupation | Artist Ufologist |
Organization | Intruders Foundation |
Budd Hopkins (born on June 15, 1931 in Wheeling, West Virginia) is a central figure in abduction phenomenon and related UFO research.[1] He is also a painter, sculptor and raconteur of note. Born in 1931 and raised in Wheeling, West Virginia. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1953, that same year moving to New York City, which has been his home since then.
Hopkins' art is in the permanent collections in the Whitney Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, Hirshhorn Museum, and at the Museum of Modern Art; he has received grants or endowments from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. His articles on art have appeared in magazines and journals, and he has lectured at many art schools including Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill.
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[edit] Interest in UFOs
In 1964, Hopkins and two others saw a UFO in daylight for several minutes. Fascinated, he joined the now-defunct UFO research group NICAP and began reading many UFO books and articles.
In 1975, Hopkins and Ted Bloecher studied a multiple-witness UFO report, the North Hudson Park UFO sightings which occurred in New Jersey. In 1976, the Village Voice printed Hopkins' account of the investigation.
Hopkins began receiving regular letters from other UFO witnesses, including a few cases of what would later be called "missing time" — inexplicable gaps in one's memory, associated with UFO encounters.
[edit] Alien abduction
With Bloecher and psychologist Aphrodite Clamar, Hopkins began investigating the missing time experiences, and eventually came to conclude that the missing time cases were due to alien abduction.
By the late 1980s, Hopkins was one of the most prominent people in ufology, earning a level of mainstream attention that was nearly unprecedented for the field. He established the non-profit Intruders Foundation 1989 to publicize his research.
Hopkins has written several popular books about abductees, notably Missing Time, and is the founder of the Intruders Foundation, a non-profit organization created to document and research alien abductions, and to provide support to abductees.
For roughly the first seven years of his investigation of the abduction phenomenon, Hopkins himself conducted no hypnosis sessions. Rather, he secured the aid of licensed professionals. He notes that three of these therapists (Drs. Robert Naiman, Aphrodite Clamar and Girard Franklin) were quite skeptical of the reality of abduction claims, yet all "uncovered" detailed abduction scenarios from their patients. (Hopkins, 218)
The 1992 made for TV film Intruders was based on Hopkins' research, and portrayed abduction scenes. Additionally, Hopkin's 1996 book, Witnessed, portrays a classic abduction case that was alleged to have occurred in late 1989 near the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. This case is unique in that it is one of the first publicized episodes that involved multiple abductees (who did not previously know each other) that come to know each other in the "real" world through a variety of circumstances connected to their abductions. Additionally, this case involved inter-generational abductions within the same family.
[edit] Criticism
Controversy has been a persistent feature of Hopkins' career in alien abduction and UFO studies. While few seem to doubt Hopkin's motives or sincerity, critics charge that Hopkins is out of his element when he uses hypnosis, thereby aiding his subjects in confabulation: the blending of fact and fantasy. However, Hopkins insists such criticism is specious. He writes, "I have often frequently invited interested therapists, journalists and academics to observe hypnosis sessions. Theoretical psychologist Nicholas Humphrey, who has held teaching positions at both Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and psychiatrist Donald. F. Klein, director of research at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and professor of psychiatry at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, are but two of those who have observed my work firsthand. None of these visitors ... have reported anything that suggested I was attempting to lead the subjects." (Hopkins, 238-239)
[edit] See also
[edit] References
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (February 2008) |
- Clark, Jerome, The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 1, A-K Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1998 (2nd edition, 2005), ISBN 0-7808-0097-4
- Clark, Jerome, The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 2, L-Z Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1998 (2nd edition, 2005), ISBN 0-7808-0097-4
- Hopkins, Budd, Art, Life and UFOs, New York/San Antonio: Anomalist Books, 2009, ISBN 978-1933665-412
- Budd Hopkins; "Hypnosis and the Investigation of UFO Abduction Accounts"; pages 215-240 in UFOs and Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge, David M. Jacobs, editor; University Press of Kansas, 2000; ISBN 0-7006-1032-4)
- Philip Klass: UFO Abductions: A Dangerous Game
[edit] External links
- IntrudersFoundation: Hopkins' Official Site
- A PBS Interview with Hopkins
- B. Hopkins biography at Ufopsi
- Art biography of Hopkins
- [1] Budd Hopkins at the March 29, 2008 FortFest conference sponspored by theInternational Fortean Organization